YQueue 自 2016 年起推出餐饮订购软件,为餐饮业者提供一站式订单管理系统,让客户扫码订餐,免去排队的必要或是减少排队的时间。
YQueue 高级业务发展和营销员曾威(30 岁)说,最近一些商家已开始转向网络订购系统,把 QR 码放在社交媒体供客户预订食品饮料。
他说:“公司不搞低价促销吸引客户,而是旨在提供全套管理服务,帮助业者提升服务水平,我们只抽 5%销售佣金,服务配套包括各种后勤工作如产品摄影、打印营销物件、设立柜台订购仪器,单单一台仪器就需要约 8000 元至 1 万 5000 元。”公司正筹划与医院合作,推出扫码订餐服务。
其中一家使用 YQueue 订餐系统的是刚开业不久的春芳号泡泡茶。业者早在疫情暴发前就已计划如何让客户通过网络订购饮料,免去排队的必要。
拥有台湾春芳号本地专营权的业者管智鑫(37 岁)说:“我们本身也是客户,希望为自己的客户着想、给予方便,顾客无须在店面点饮料,可通过应用预订,然后选择领取时间。”如此一来,他们便有更多时间与客户通过社交媒体沟通,推销产品。
管智鑫说:“店面还在装修的时候就引起路人的关注,第一天的销量不错,一天有几十名顾客光临,可是第三天开始就减少。不过,最近有志愿者组织预订 50 杯饮料送给前线医疗人员,而我们也跟 YQueue 合作搞促销,买九送一。”
Title: F&B business uses ordering solutions to reduce the crowd in the queues to prevent spread of the virus
During this period where people are strengthening their prevention methods against the epidemic, local ordering and payment solution company helps local F&B businesses reduce queues and time spent queuing.
Established in 2016, YQueue launched their ordering solutions, providing a one-stop order management system for F&B businesses, allowing customers to scan the QR code and order food, eliminating the need for queuing or reducing queuing time.
Bryan, senior business development and marketer at YQueue said that some merchants have recently turned to online ordering systems, placing their QR codes on social media for customers to order food and beverages.
He said: “The company does not engage in low-price promotion to attract customers, but aims to provide a full set of management services to help merchants improve service levels. We only draw 5% sales commissions. Service packages include various logistics tasks such as product photography, printing of marketing collaterals, and setting up of ordering kiosks. A single kiosk will cost about $8,000 to $15,000.” The company is planning to collaborate with hospitals to launch a QR code ordering service.
One of the merchants using YQueue’s ordering and payment solutions is a bubble tea store, Chun Fun How, which has just opened for business. Before the epidemic outbreak, they have already planned to have customers order online, eliminating the need to queue up.
Owner of the local franchise Chun Fun How, Guan Zhixin, said: “We are also customers, and we want to think for our customers, and give them the convenience of not having to order the drinks at the store. They can order and pay through the app and then choose the time they would like to pick it up.” This way, they will have more time to communicate with customers through social media to promote their products.
Since Singapore has banned all short-terms visitors from entering, the majority of Chun Fun How’s customers are employees working nearby, however recently due to employees working from home, this has caused the bubble tea business to decline by 50% to 70%.
Guan Zhixin said: “The store has attracted attention from passers-by while it was still being renovated, sales on the first day was not bad, there were dozens of customers a day, but it slowly decreased on the third day. However, recently there was an order of 50 cups of drinks for the frontline medical staff and we have also collaborated with YQueue to promote out sales, with a buy nine get one free drink promotion.”
Source: https://www.zaobao.com.sg/news/singapore/story20200329-1041001